



    人们总希望每时每刻、随时随地能够连接互联网。 但随着物联网设备数量的增加,无线电频谱资源正趋于紧张,过多的连接设备可能会导致网络过载。同时,在某些特定的应用场景下,WiFi信号安全性较差,也无法完全覆盖所有区域。LiFi的出现将彻底改变这一现状。


    使用昕诺飞旗下的LiFi灯具产品,用户可在获得高品质LED照明的同时,享受每秒30兆(30Mb/s)的高速宽带连接 –– 足以在传输两部流媒体高清影片的同时进行视频电话。





    1)     将以太网电缆插入支持LiFi的飞利浦灯具产品中,灯具就成为无线路由器。灯具内置的调制解调器可将光的频率在肉眼无法观察的范围内进行调节,提供强大的网络连接,发送下行数据。


    2)     将USB LiFi无线网卡(电子狗)插入笔记本电脑或平板电脑进行数据接收, USB LiFi无线网卡将信号通过红外上传给灯具。





    Corporate LiFi
    Government LiFi
    Industry LiFi
    Healthcare LiFi






    ·        无线通讯的备选方案



    ·        高带宽



    ·        安全

    LiFi的安全性得益于可见光无法穿透实体墙的特点。 要连接到LiFi,您的设备需要位于LED灯具的照明范围内,并持有特定的USB LiFi无线网卡(电子狗)。无线网卡的定向授权为LiFi加多一道安全认证。


    ·        规模效益


    At Signify we never compromise on light quality. Benefits include:


    ·        Alternative connection
    LiFi is ideal for use in areas that are sensitive to radio frequency (e.g. hospitals, clinics, factories, schools) or areas that have poor or no WiFi connection (e.g. multi-tenancy buildings, underground).


    ·        Guaranteed bandwidth
    LiFi’s bandwidth is more than 1,000 times the size of the radio spectrum (used by WiFi) so it’s able to connect many smart devices and multiple users. And with a seamless handover between one luminaire to the other, you can move around without losing your connection.


    ·        Secure
    Light cannot penetrate walls like an open WiFi system. To connect to LiFi you need your device to be in the pool of light created by the LED luminaire and to have a personalized USB access key. LiFi offers an extra layer of security, further enhanced by the selective authorization of USB access keys.


    ·        Scale
    LiFi can take up-to 15 users within the coverage beam of one light point.

    At Signify we never compromise on light quality. Benefits include:


    ·        Alternative connection
    LiFi is ideal for use in areas that are sensitive to radio frequency (e.g. hospitals, clinics, factories, schools) or areas that have poor or no WiFi connection (e.g. multi-tenancy buildings, underground).


    ·        Guaranteed bandwidth
    LiFi’s bandwidth is more than 1,000 times the size of the radio spectrum (used by WiFi) so it’s able to connect many smart devices and multiple users. And with a seamless handover between one luminaire to the other, you can move around without losing your connection.


    ·        Secure
    Light cannot penetrate walls like an open WiFi system. To connect to LiFi you need your device to be in the pool of light created by the LED luminaire and to have a personalized USB access key. LiFi offers an extra layer of security, further enhanced by the selective authorization of USB access keys.


    ·        Scale
    LiFi can take up-to 15 users within the coverage beam of one light point.

    At Signify we never compromise on light quality. Benefits include:


    ·        Alternative connection
    LiFi is ideal for use in areas that are sensitive to radio frequency (e.g. hospitals, clinics, factories, schools) or areas that have poor or no WiFi connection (e.g. multi-tenancy buildings, underground).


    ·        Guaranteed bandwidth
    LiFi’s bandwidth is more than 1,000 times the size of the radio spectrum (used by WiFi) so it’s able to connect many smart devices and multiple users. And with a seamless handover between one luminaire to the other, you can move around without losing your connection.


    ·        Secure
    Light cannot penetrate walls like an open WiFi system. To connect to LiFi you need your device to be in the pool of light created by the LED luminaire and to have a personalized USB access key. LiFi offers an extra layer of security, further enhanced by the selective authorization of USB access keys.


    ·        Scale
    LiFi can take up-to 15 users within the coverage beam of one light point.

    At Signify we never compromise on light quality. Benefits include:


    ·        Alternative connection
    LiFi is ideal for use in areas that are sensitive to radio frequency (e.g. hospitals, clinics, factories, schools) or areas that have poor or no WiFi connection (e.g. multi-tenancy buildings, underground).


    ·        Guaranteed bandwidth
    LiFi’s bandwidth is more than 1,000 times the size of the radio spectrum (used by WiFi) so it’s able to connect many smart devices and multiple users. And with a seamless handover between one luminaire to the other, you can move around without losing your connection.


    ·        Secure
    Light cannot penetrate walls like an open WiFi system. To connect to LiFi you need your device to be in the pool of light created by the LED luminaire and to have a personalized USB access key. LiFi offers an extra layer of security, further enhanced by the selective authorization of USB access keys.


    ·        Scale
    LiFi can take up-to 15 users within the coverage beam of one light point.




    目前,我们最受欢迎的几款照明产品已经能够支持LiFi ,包括飞利浦PowerBalance gen2和飞利浦LuxSpace筒灯。飞利浦PowerBalance gen2因其广范的应用范围成为了办公室和学校的理想选择,而飞利浦LuxSpace筒灯则适用于包含医院在内的对安全性要求极高的区域。



    使用昕诺飞的LiFi解决方案,您可以同时享受高品质节能LED照明和安全、稳定、高速的网络连接。 无论是光源、调制解调器还是USB LiFi电子狗,我们可为您提供所需的一切。作为全球照明领导者,我们将利用自身在物联网领域的深厚专业知识和遍布全球的成功案例,创造能够改变世界的革新技术。 昕诺飞创新的可见光无线通信技术(LiFi)将以前所未有的方式实现网络连接,成为全新的智能语言。
