Full year 20221
Fourth quarter 20221
Eindhoven, the Netherlands – Signify (Euronext: LIGHT), the world leader in lighting, today announced the company’s fourth quarter and full-year 2022 results.
“2022 was a year of exceptionally challenging conditions. The external environment grew increasingly more volatile throughout the year, leading us to adapt the company and our objectives accordingly. While margins and cash were impacted by inflation and supply chain disruption respectively, our connected lighting business and growth platforms grew to reach almost EUR 2 billion of sales. The relevance of our products and solutions was further heightened in 2022, as energy efficiency became even more urgent. This strengthened our competitive position as we executed on our strategic priorities. We brought new innovative and sustainable lighting solutions to our customers and continued to make progress towards doubling our impact on environment and society,” said Eric Rondolat, CEO of Signify.
“Looking ahead, we expect volatility to persist in the first half of 2023 and our performance to improve in the second half. While top-line growth will be difficult to predict, our key priority in 2023 will be to improve profitability and return to a free cash flow level in line with previous years. We will intensify our focus on managing the decline and profitability of our Conventional Products business, while further driving the transition to energy efficient, connected and sustainable lighting solutions. As we move forward, we remain committed to our strategy to invest and drive innovation in the lighting industry and so create a more sustainable and connected future for all.”
Brighter Lives, Better World 2025
In the fourth quarter, Signify completed the second year of its Brighter Lives, Better World 2025 sustainability program, making continued progress towards doubling its positive impact on the environment and society:
The cumulative carbon reduction over the value chain is on track to reach the 2025 target. This is mainly driven by energy-efficient and connected LED lighting, which reduce emissions in the use phase.
Circular revenues were 29% and are on track, mainly driven by serviceable and circular luminaires.
Brighter lives revenues of 27%, on track to reach the 2025 target. The consumer well-being and safety & security portfolios continue to be the main contributors to Brighter lives revenues.
The percentage of women in leadership positions was 28%. An improvement versus the end of last year, yet slightly off track to reach the 2025 target. This quarter, Signify focused on improving inclusive hiring practices and internal talent development. These actions help Signify realize its diversity ambitions.
In the fourth quarter, Signify received several external recognitions for its leadership in Sustainability and Climate action. Signify was included on the CDP’s Climate A List, and was included in the DJSI World Index for the 6th consecutive year.
Signify continues to aim for growth, both organic and through selected acquisitions. Given the volatility of the current macro environment, Signify does not provide a comparable sales growth guidance for 2023. The company will focus its efforts on improving its Adjusted EBITA margin and free cash flow. Signify expects for 2023:
Capital allocation
Signify proposes a cash dividend of EUR 1.50 per share for 2022, in line with its policy to pay an increasing annual cash dividend per share year on year. The dividend proposal will be subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on May 16, 2023. Further details will be provided in the agenda for the AGM.
In 2022, Signify reduced its net debt/EBITDA ratio to 1.3x. Excluding the acquisitions of Fluence and Pierlite, Signify reached its goal of reducing its net debt/EBITDA ratio to 1.0x at the end of 2022, down from 2.7x after the acquisition of Cooper Lighting in March 2020. Signify remains committed to maintaining a robust capital structure and an investment grade credit rating.
Signify will continue to invest in organic and inorganic growth opportunities in line with its strategic priorities.
Conference call and audio webcast
Eric Rondolat (CEO) and Javier van Engelen (CFO) will host a conference call for analysts and institutional investors at 9:00 a.m. CET to discuss the fourth quarter and full-year 2022 results. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available via the Investor Relations website.
Financial calendar
February 28, 2023: Annual Report 2022
May 3, 2023: First quarter results 2023
May 16, 2023: Annual General Meeting
May 18, 2023: Ex-dividend date
May 19, 2023: Dividend record date
June 5, 2023: Dividend payment date
July 28, 2023: Second quarter and half-year results 2023
October 27, 2023: Third quarter results 2023
Forward-Looking Statements and Risks & Uncertainties
This document and the related oral presentation contain, and responses to questions following the presentation may contain, forward-looking statements that reflect the intentions, beliefs or current expectations and projections of Signify N.V. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), including statements regarding strategy, estimates of sales growth and future operational results.
By their nature, these statements involve risks and uncertainties facing the Company and its Group companies, and a number of important factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statement as a result of risks and uncertainties. Such risks, uncertainties and other important factors include but are not limited to: adverse economic and political developments, in particular the impacts of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the energy crisis in Europe, the impacts of COVID-19, supply chain constraints, component shortages, cost inflation, rapid technological change, competition in the general lighting market, development of lighting systems and services, successful implementation of business transformation programs, impact of acquisitions and other transactions, reputational and adverse effects on business due to activities in Environment, Health & Safety, compliance risks, ability to attract and retain talented personnel, adverse currency effects, pension liabilities, and exposure to international tax laws.
Additional risks currently not known to the Group or that the Group has not considered material as of the date of this document could also prove to be important and may have a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects of the Group or could cause the forward-looking events discussed in this document not to occur. The Group undertakes no duty to and will not necessarily update any of the forward-looking statements in light of new information or future events, except to the extent required by applicable law.
Market and Industry Information
All references to market share, market data, industry statistics and industry forecasts in this document consist of estimates compiled by industry professionals, competitors, organizations or analysts, of publicly available information or of the Group’s own assessment of its sales and markets. Rankings are based on sales unless otherwise stated.
Non-IFRS Financial Measures
Certain parts of this document contain non-IFRS financial measures and ratios, such as comparable sales growth, adjusted gross margin, EBITA, adjusted EBITA, and free cash flow, and other related ratios, which are not recognized measures of financial performance or liquidity under IFRS. The non-IFRS financial measures presented are measures used by management to monitor the underlying performance of the Group’s business and operations and, accordingly, they have not been audited nor reviewed. Not all companies calculate non-IFRS financial measures in the same manner or on a consistent basis and these measures and ratios may not be comparable to measures used by other companies under the same or similar names. A reconciliation of these non-IFRS financial measures to the most directly comparable IFRS financial measures is contained in this document. For further information on non-IFRS financial measures, see “Chapter 18 Reconciliation of non-IFRS measures” in the Annual Report 2021.
All amounts are in millions of euros unless otherwise stated. Due to rounding, amounts may not add up to totals provided. All reported data are unaudited. Unless otherwise indicated, financial information has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies as stated in the Annual Report 2021 and the Semi-Annual Report 2022.
Market Abuse Regulation
This press release contains information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.
Signify Investor Relations
Thelke Gerdes
Tel: + 31 6 1801 7131
E-mail: thelke.gerdes@signify.com
Signify Corporate Communications
Leanne Carmody
Tel: +31 6 3928 0201
E-mail: leanne.carmody@signify.com
Abigail Levene
Tel: +31 6 2939 3895
E-mail: abigail.levene@signify.com
关于昕诺飞(Signify) 昕诺飞(阿姆斯特丹欧洲证券交易所代码:LIGHT)是全球照明科技领导企业,业务涵盖专业照明,消费照明,以及物联网照明。我们借助飞利浦品牌的照明产品,Interact智能互联照明系统和数据服务,传递商业价值,改善家居生活、美化建筑和公共景观。2024年,昕诺飞年销售额达61亿欧元,在全球70多个国家和地区拥有约29,000名员工。我们致力于开启照明的非凡潜力,创造"闪亮生活,美好世界"。昕诺飞自独立上市以来连续8年入选道琼斯可持续发展世界指数,并连续5年获得EcoVadis白金评级,跻身全球受评企业前1%。更多新闻资讯,请访问昕诺飞新闻中心 Newsroom,投资者相关信息请访问投资者关系页面 Investor Relations。